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Live Music : Trio Scho

„SCHO“ ( ukrainisch „schjo“) ist ein Slang-Wort und heißt so viel wie „Was soll sein?!“

– und für Trio SCHO bedeutet es „Wir machen Musik, unsere Musik!“

Gegründet im Jahr 1991 in der Ukrainischen Stadt Poltava. Seit 1994 in Berlin.

Das Trio spielte bei dem legendären „Talk 2000“ von Christoph Schlingensiefs (VOX)

Seit 1999 Zusammenarbeit mit Karsten Troyke. Auftritte mit Jiddischen Liederprogramme u.a. beim Klezmer Festival in AnconaBrüssel, Wien, Paris, und Warschau. Mitwirkung bei den Dokumentar- und Konzertfilme „Yiddish Soul“ (ARTE).

Auftritte beim Programm: „Schlaf schneller, Genosse…“ aus der Reihe Jazz-Lyrik-Prosa mit Ursula Karusseit und Günter Junghans. 2007 und 2008 Auftritte bei der „Fête de L’Humanité“ in Paris. Zusammenarbeit mit der Sängerin Sandra Kreisler, Chansonnier Christophe Bourdoiseau, Chanson-Nette und Cécile Rose.

Als Film-Band spielt Trio SCHO in der 10-teiligen Serie „Im Angesicht des Verbrechens“ von Dominik Graf. In der „The Dust of Time“ von Theo Angelopoulos und bei dem Film „Der Uranberg“ von Dror Zahavi.

Zum Repertoire des Trio SCHO gehören russische Lieder und Instrumental- stücke von den „Goldenen Zwanzigern“ bis in die Jetzt-Zeit, sowie eigene Lieder, russischer Swing und Bossa Nova. Ihre Auftritte in Radio und Fernsehen sowie auf dem Karneval der Kulturen zeigen, wie vielseitig sich die drei Musiker präsentieren können. Im Jahr 2000 und 2011 gewann das Trio den Musik-Wettbewerb des Berliner Senats.


Gennadij Desatnik: Gesang, Violine und Gitarre

Valeriy Khoryshman: Akkordeon, Gesang

Alexander Franz: Kontrabass, Gesang

Neo DJs Presentation:

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DJane Mari Olschewski (GER) from Hamburg:

Music and creativity have always been important in her life and she has been dancing Tango for 24 years. Because she was looking for more variety and wanted to dance to the music that touched her more personally, she became a DJane.
She plays regularly in and around Hamburg, as well as at various national and international Marathons and Neo-Events. She has been part of the DJ team at NeoTangoRave and Phantastango for 10 years.
Her music is very versatile, Jazz, Electro, Blues, Folk, Rock, Ambient, Oriental, Neo-Classical, Contemporary Tango....
Mari lives by the water and with her music, you are floating on a wave through the evening. ​Creating a playlist is a creative act for her. 
For Mari, Neo-Tango means: listening, getting involved, immersing yourself, trying out, discovering, not having to be perfect and having fun.

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DJ Thierry (FRA) - Thierry is above all a creative dancer who “lives” the music. He practiced many social dances( (swing, blues, salsa, tango...) before starting to DJ Neo tango. Of course, he loves tango from the golden age, but what makes him vibrate is to open, enrich, and mix practices toward new musical and corporeal horizons which brings him to Neo. Nice melodies, emotion, and changes in rhythms and intensity are Thierry's music markers. Thierry is co-organizer of several festivals: Neo Tango Toulouse (TNT), Neo Tango Bruges (NTB), Neo Tango Amsterdam (NTA), Neo Tango Meissen (NTM), and now Neo Tango Hamburg but also the Toulouse Fusion weekend (Fusion dance festival). He  DJ'd all over Europe ; Toulouse, Bruges, Amsterdam, Lyon, Rome, Athens, Gent, Tangopostale, Berlin, Lille, Praha, mannheim,Munich, Hamburg... 


DJ Fabio (ITA) It was in his hometown of Naples that Fabio discovered Tango in 2009. As a yoga teacher, he has been working for years on this union between body and mind through the power of music to create moments where time stops and you are transported into another dimension. In 2010 he began a personal search for the discovery of modern rhythms and melodies (jazz, ethnic, classical, pop, rock, rap, indie, modern orchestras, etc...) that can be interpreted using the codes of tango through all kinds of music. In 2013 he Came to settle in Nice, he imported his neo-tango musicality and gave a new breath to the life of Tango with his milongas where traditional tango meets alternative tango and barriers are erased by emotions. He participated as a DJ in many international festivals and marathons in Europe (France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Finland) choosing to tell, through his musical selections, a story made of sensitivity and emotions, allowing dancers to freely interpret their feelings.

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DJ Mike (GER) Mike Godyla started DJing Tango in 2010. Had his first own Milonga "Freitango" in 2012 in Bonn. Played his special Neo/Non-Mix at Milongas like Chorforum/Essen, Café Durchblick/Dortmund, La Boca/Bochum, Café Tango/Wuppertal, Got engaged on Festivals like Phantastango and Contact-Tango Wuppertal. He moved to the center of European Tango in Berlin in 2022 to play his music in La Cathedral and Tangoloft. Plays especially Neo/Classic/Nontango Mixes. Passionate DJ and dancer of Tango.


DJane Alisson (USA)  There’s a special kind of tango addict who wants to go beyond the familiar into new territory. To explore a space where there are no limits to their creativity, to the possibilities. Have you tasted this kind of tango? Find that tangasmic moment of ecstasy in your body, in your relationship with gravity, the earth, in your boundlessly creative connection with your partner and the music. This is your moment. DJ Alison searches across cultures and genres to find the music to make your magic moments happen. Let’s connect, let’s play, let’s embrace some magic.

Alison is a tango nomad currently based in Berlin, making friends and deejaying in the US, Europe and Buenos Aires and organizing neo-tango events in Los Angeles and beyond…


DJ Iwan harlan (GER) & DJane Isabella (GER)

Since 2006, they've been DJing, both together and individually. Their mission from the outset has been to explore the entire spectrum of possible tango music. Anything that makes them want to dance Tango to it is welcome. Every style is permitted if they can and want to dance Tango to it. This can be challenging and is rarely easy listening. Moreover, Iwan's multifaceted role as a composer and music producer, boasting 9 album releases across genres such as neo-tango, world music, soul, funk, Caribbean, cinematic, and ambient styles, greatly enriches the extensive repertoire of their DJ artistry.


Neo VJs Presentation :


VJ Andreas (GER) is a photo, video, and concept artist. He came to tango in 2005 and has since been interested in dance and music, both in the so-called traditional field and in alternative concepts. In 2015 he expanded his artistic work to the field of visual live performance. Since then, his live performances can be found at many neo-tango events in Europe. He takes the mood of the music and the dancers and transforms it live into visual elements. These are created by mixing and changing various graphic elements in real-time, and in turn, influence the dancers. He calls his live performance Visual Dancing. The content he uses comes partly from his exhibitions, were created by him, especially for Visual Dancing, and comes from artist friends or from publicly available sources. In 2019, he established ultra-widescreen visuals up to image formats of 72:9 in the neo-tango scene - not every projector now projects the same image content, but a wide image is projected across several projectors. In 2020 and 2021, he created the artistic concept of NeotangoTV and played virtual dance floors with his visuals for more than 300 hours. He also created virtual stages for streamed live concerts by Carlos Libedinsky and the Steamed Tango Project.

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